< culture. ish. page two: Acting on Aids

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Acting on Aids

The Geneva College chapter of Acting on AIDS has been active on our campus since spring semester 2005. Our mission is to change hearts on our campus, create awareness in our community, and advocate for the most innocent victims of HIV/AIDS around the world. Geneva College Acting on AIDS (AoA) is part of a larger, national AoA movement that is in partnership with World Vision, a Christian relief and development organization and the Coalition for Christian Colleges and Universities.

So, that is was AoA is in a nutshell. Now, for the past 2 years AoA has put on many programs that have helped educate Geneva about this pandemic. The Orange ORPHAN T-shirt Campaign has made its mark several times, there have been chapel speakers, benefit concerts, move discussions, fundraisers, forums, and AIDS Awareness Weeks which have all been a part of fulfilling our mission.

A look ahead at some upcoming, campus-wide programs: a Broken Bread Meal, a simulcast with a prominent person in society, and much more so stay tuned!

At the beginning of each fall semester we have a table for Cokes & Clubs, but that is not enough – we need YOUR HELP. With leaders graduating and moving on to the real world, we need people who would like to make a difference on this campus; those who have a passion for creating awareness, advocating for innocent victims, and being active in our community for the HIV/AIDS pandemic. We would love for you to help us and many others in this movement if you feel God tugging at your heart in this area. We hold meetings every Monday during the chapel slot (10:10-11:00) in Skye Lounge. If you are interested please prayerfully consider attending these meetings. Also, contact Katie Martin at kathleen.martin@geneva.edu.

So, if you have a passion for doing something about the global AIDS pandemic- let us know. Follow God’s calling and direction so we can work together with other campuses around the nation to help the affected HIV/AIDS victims and educate others about this pandemic.

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