< culture. ish. page two: Switchfoot - Oh! Gravity. (2006)

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Switchfoot - Oh! Gravity. (2006)

Caught between dreaming and waking up, this album wrestles with what we are “meant to be” on this side of gravity in a sometimes disturbing and colorless world. Switchfoot’s cover mirrors these themes with skulls, watching eyes, and monsters. Resembling a nightmare more than a dream, the occasional tentacles and hands grab and pull one into a crazy world of confusion and chaos caused by this thing that we call gravity. Looking closely, the songs are echoed in the artwork. “Spinning around in circles,” you want to "wake up kicking and screaming.”

Switchfoot's lyrics attempt to lead us through the maze that we have constructed out of life (notice "enter here" arrow on back page). Like a coloring book, the empty album cover is screaming for color and life…similar to many chasing after excess. Jon Foreman recognizes this and sings colors into the microphone. He masters his words so that even without music the frustrations and tension ring through. Whether daring us to move or questioning the American Dream, Switchfoot has always challenged our contentment with "modern machines" and "being puppets on a monetary string." As the band moves more into the mainstream and big time lights they do not lose focus. Foreman confesses that he is "head over heels" and pleads with One to "Let your love be strong."

Switchfoot sounds a bit different this time around as their frustration is more evident through the tension of heavier guitar features and contrasting sounds echoing their pleas to wake up and realize that when “success is equated with excess, the ambition for excess wrecks us.” Taking creative risks, their abstract cover matches what’s found inside.

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